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Wear protection: Mills run smoothly

Mills are designed to operate without interruption and to leave no residue in the ground material. Ceramic mill linings make it possible to achieve both goals, enabling maximum product purity and a long service life.

There are many different applications for ceramic wear protection solutions in mills: they are in demand in the processing of raw materials, in the cement, paint and pharmaceutical industries, as well as in the metallurgical, chemical and ceramic industries. This is because the raw materials, whether silica sand, cement, chemicals or pigments, are sometimes very abrasive. At the same time, a particularly high degree of purity is required for the material being ground when milling food or animal feed, pharmaceutical products, pigments or paints, but also raw materials for the glass and ceramics industry, for example.

We also rely on our own ALOTEC mill linings for our own production. “We line our own mills in order to meet the high-quality standards for our ceramics. After all, the mill lining also contributes to our ability to offer our customers an optimum product,” explains Ulrike Wiech, Sales Manager Wear Protection Solutions.“We have more than 100 mills of various sizes in our plants, and they must be replaced regularly. The experience CeramTec that gains in this process benefits our customers from a wide range of industries worldwide,” Wiech continues.

Maximum purity in grinding

When grinding and crushing in industrial plants, it is particularly important that the product to be ground is not contaminated under any circumstances by abrasive materials from the mill or grinding beads. “Ceramic linings are characterized by very low abrasion – this largely prevents contamination of the material being ground,” explains Wiech. For mill linings, we rely primarily on ALOTEC 92, an alumina ceramic (Al2O3) that contains no foreign substances and also impresses with its high density and maximum hardness. “ALOTEC mill linings for drum mills outperform conventional lining materials in terms of their wear resistance in both wet and dry grinding. And we are continuously developing the material further,“ emphasizes Wiech. Depending on the material to be ground, different mill lining profiles are particularly suitable. “Our many years of experience in ceramic wear protection enable us to find individual solutions for our customers’ applications,” says Wiech. Special requirements such as corrugated blocks, lifting bars and borders can also be taken into account. Steatite mill linings and grinding media round off our wear protection portfolio. 

To ensure that the replacement of the linings goes smoothly and that downtime is kept to a minimum, thorough planning and close coordination between all parties involved is necessary. This is ensured by our long-standing and experienced installation partners, who work with the utmost precision and quality.

Find out more about our custom ceramic solutions for wear protection here: Wear Protection @ CeramTec