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CeramTec sponsors German scholarship the University of Stuttgart

CeramTec is sponsoring a student from the University of Stuttgart for 12 months

Under the motto "Together for young talents. Together for Germany", the federal government has launched the "Germany Scholarship" in 2011. The background was the desire to make the promotion of talented young people more heterogeneous and socially balanced. Thus, the structure of the scholarship holders predominantly reflects that of all students in total. According to the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the "support is not only a financial relief; it is recognition of their achievements as well as an incentive to engage in social activities and to promote economic and technological change in Germany with innovative ideas "* and thus also represents an investment in Germany's innovative ability and future security.

The Germany Scholarship (DStip) is designed as a merit-based scholarship, in which other criteria such as social and political commitment, internships or special living conditions are taken into account in addition to the average grade. Students apply for the scholarship and are selected by a scholarship commission and assigned to a sponsor.

For the first time this year, CeramTec is sponsoring a student from the University of Stuttgart, the scholarship holder Tapasya Ganesh, for a period of 12 months. Tapasya Ganesh is currently completing a Master's degree in Material Science at the University of Stuttgart. A first contact was made at the ceremony in the Haus der Wirtschaft in Stuttgart. The student and her fellow students will soon be visiting their sponsoring company CeramTec in Plochingen to further strengthen the connection and get to know the company even better.

More information is available at http://crm.tc/4o

*Source: Information brochure "Fünf Jahre Deutschlandstipendium" of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), status 06/2016